Tom Clancy’s The Division is a third person cover based looter shooter with a focus on co-op gameplay. The game was developed by Massive Entertainment and co-developed by multiple studios. The setting is based on of midtown Manhattan, New York City, where the scale and visuals of the world is close to a 1:1 representation of the city. It takes place during the crisis of an outbreak of a smallpox virus.
I worked on the game from early production to post-launch with DLC and live support of the game. I started as an intern and then became a junior level designer during the course of the project. My main responsibilities was Hudson Yards open world experience and Encounter and Side Mission design in that zone. In the Hell’s Kitchen I was involved in polishing side mission content and general tweaks in the open world.
Developed by Massive Entertainment
Engine: Snowdrop
Project role: Junior Level Designer
Responsibilities includes level script, layout design, loot placement, side mission design, encounter design, world content distribution, world logic setup.
Contributions: Hudson Yards Named Zone, BoO intro mission, additional support in Hell’s Kitchen zone, Survival DLC